


Name Description Private Transformed Type
user_id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
start_date Assets start date for this individual False False Date
end_date Assets end date for this user. False False Date
amount Assets amount False False Numeric
reason_for_change Reason for the change in this Assets entry for this individual False False Text
code Assets type, like assets_savings or assets_bank_account False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Choice and Control

Household identifiers

Household identifiers and location
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code Alphanumeric household identifier False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric
be_creatime Date the survey was taken False False Date

Locus of Control

How much do you agree with the following statements?
Name Description Private Transformed Type
gm_ability_to_get_ahead Your ability to get ahead is something that you can't change very much. False False Categorical
gm_try_new_things You can try new things, but you can't really change your ability to get ahead False False Categorical
gm_no_matter_where No matter where you are in life, you can always figure out ways to get ahead. False False Categorical
gm_can_always_change You can always substantially change your ability to get ahead False False Categorical


Select the Statement that feels True to you
Name Description Private Transformed Type
sd_i_choose "I always feel like I choose the things I do." or "I sometimes feel that it's not really me choosing the things I do." False False Categorical
sd_i_have_to "I choose to do what I have to do." or "I do what I have to do but I don't feel like it is really my choice." False False Categorical
sd_interests_me "I do what I do because it interests me." or "I do what I do because I have to." False False Categorical
sd_free_to_do "I am free to do whatever I decide to do." or "What I do is often not what I'd choose to do." False False Categorical
sd_pretty_free "I feel pretty free to do whatever I choose to." or "I often do things that I don't choose to do." False False Categorical

How true are the following statements for you?

(1 = Not at all true for me, 2 = Somewhat true for me, 3 = Not Sure, 4 = True for me, 5 = Very true for me)
Name Description Private Transformed Type
fbe_develop_plans I develop plans to achieve my goals. False False Categorical
fbe_role_models I have role models in the community who have achieved their goals. False False Categorical
fbe_feel_stuck I feel stuck in my current situation False False Categorical
fbe_lot_of_people I have a lot of people I can count on. False False Categorical
fbe_accessto_resources I have access to the resources I need to get ahead False False Categorical
fbe_business_loan I know where to go to get a business loan. False False Categorical
fbe_take_risks I take risks by trying new things. False False Categorical
fbe_job_resources I know resources to access to look for a job False False Categorical
fbe_get_training I know where to go to get more education and training. False False Categorical
fbe_broad_set I have a broad set of choices I can make about how to improve my family's well-being. False False Categorical

How likely is it that you would do the following?

(1 = Not at all likely, 2 = Somewhat likely, 3 = Not Sure, 4 = Likely, 5 = Very likely)
Name Description Private Transformed Type
fbe_save_money Save money towards a specific goal. False False Categorical
fbe_lead_a_group Lead a group of your neighbors in an effort to get a neighborhood problem fixed. False False Categorical
fbe_apply_for_loan Apply for a loan to start or expand a small business. False False Categorical
fbe_training_program Attend a training program after work hours in order to receive a promotion. False False Categorical
fbe_ask_role_model Ask a role model how they achieved their goals. False False Categorical
join_lending_circle Join a lending circle with other friends and community members. False False Categorical
fbe_learn_a_skill Seek out new opportunities to learn a skill that will help you get ahead. False False Categorical
fbe_improve_credit Take steps to improve your credit score. False False Categorical

Access to Information

Think about the people you know in your life. How confident are you that you could rely on someone in the following situations?
Name Description Private Transformed Type
support_loan_info You are seeking information about getting a loan to buy a house. False False Categorical
support_lawyer_recommend You need a recommendation for a lawyer False False Categorical
support_best_schools You want to know the best school for your child(ren) False False Categorical
support_access_overall When you were thinking about the previous list of questions, approximately how many people came to mind overall? False False Categorical

Opportunities and Contributions

Think about the people you know in your life. How confident are you that you could rely on someone in the following situations?
Name Description Private Transformed Type
support_borrow_money You need to borrow $5,000 to take advantage of a business opportunity False False Categorical
support_recruit_volunteers You need to recruit volunteers to help at a community event. False False Categorical
support_best_scholarships You need a scholarship to pay for further school or training. False False Categorical
support_opportunity_overall When you were thinking about the previous list of questions, approximately how many people came to mind overall? False False Categorical

Family Support

Think about the people you know in your life. How confident are you that you could rely on someone in the following situations?
Name Description Private Transformed Type
support_moral_support You need a trusted friend to confide in or provide moral support. False False Categorical
support_home_help You need a helping hand with big chores or projects at home. False False Categorical
support_child_care You need someone to take care of your children when you have an appointment. False False Categorical
support_family_overall When you were thinking about the previous list of questions, approximately how many people came to mind overall? False False Categorical

Emergency Support

Think about the people you know in your life. How confident are you that you could rely on someone in the following situations?
Name Description Private Transformed Type
support_pay_bills You need $100 to pay bills. False False Categorical
support_ride_to_work Your transportation failed and you need a ride to work. False False Categorical
support_place_to_stay Your house burned down and you need a place to stay. False False Categorical
support_emergency_overall When you were thinking about the previous list of questions, approximately how many people came to mind overall? False False Categorical

How true are the following statements for you and your family?

Not a repeat, these are additional questions with the same prompt.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
community_feel_connected I feel strongly connected to my local community. False False Categorical
community_trust_neighbors I trust my neighbors. False False Categorical
community_victim I have been a victim of crime in the last 12 months. False False Categorical
community_unlocked I am comfortable leaving my car and house unlocked in my community. False False Categorical
community_socialize I socialize with my neighbors. False False Categorical
community_advice If I need help or advice, I can ask the people in my community for it. False False Categorical
community_healthy My community is healthy and strong. False False Categorical
sc_many_jobs There are many jobs and businesses where I live. False False Not yet documented
community_econ_resources If I need economic resources, like a job, or a loan, or a bank account, I can fid them in my local community. False False Categorical
community_projects I work on community projects together with my neighbors. False False Categorical
community_good_things There are a lot of good thigns going on for the families in my community. False False Categorical
community_participate I participate actively in my community. False False Categorical
community_participate_more I would like to participate more in my community, but I don't know how. False False Categorical
health_happy I am happy with my health and the health of my family. False False Categorical
health_access If I or any member of my household gets sick, I have access to a doctor. False False Categorical
healthcare_quality We are happy with the quality of care our doctor or hospital provides. False False Categorical
health_stress We experience very little stress during the course of the week. False False Categorical


Household and individual identifiers

Unique household ID codes and names
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_member_id Unique individual identifier False False Numeric
family_code Unique alphanumeric household identifier False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Dates and time

Date and time fields
Name Description Private Transformed Type
journal_date Date this journal was submitted False False Date

Grades and attendance

Grades and attendance rating for the month submitted.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
participant_performance_coded Grades rating on a scale of 1-4, with 1 being poor and 4 being excellent False False Numeric
participant_performance_reason Explanation for why grades improved, stayed the same, or got worse False False Text
participant_attendance_coded Attendance rating on a scale of 1-4, with 1 being poor and 4 being excellent False False Numeric
participant_attendance_reason Explanation for why attendance improved, stayed the same, or got worse False False Text


Household and group identifiers

Unique household and group identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code Unique alphanmeric family identifier False False Text
uptogether_user_id UpTogether user ID for the user this family is associated with (one per family) False False Numeric
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric
group_code Alphanumeric group identifier. FII households are grouped into cohorts of about 8 households each. False False Text
family_name Head of household's last name True False Text
email email address for one contact in the household True False Text
phone1 Phone number True False Text
relationship_manager Liaison assigned to this family True False Text
is_active Whether the family is active or not, determined by submitting journals or logging into UpTogether in the last three months. False False Boolean
score Current initiative score used for fund distribution False False Numeric
score_calculated_for_build Calculated initiative score from the latest build False False Numeric

Household composition

Metrics that describe household composition
Name Description Private Transformed Type
number_of_members Number of members in the household False True Numeric
age_max Age of oldest member in the household False True Numeric
age_mean Average age of household members False True Numeric
age_median Median age of household members False True Numeric
age_min Age of youngest household member False True Numeric
percent_child Percent of household members under the age of 18 False True Numeric
percent_female Percent of household members that are female False True Numeric

Organization affiliation

Households are either brought into FII by FII or a partner organization.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
partner_organization Name of the organization a household is affiliated with. Options include FII or any of FII's nonprofit partners. False False Not yet documented

Geographic identifiers

Geographic identifiers like city and Census tract.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
service_location Service location the household lives in. This is generally a city, althouh may not be the exact city a household lives in. For example, a household's service location might be a major city that describes an area, even though the family might live in a near by suburb. False False Text
state State the household lives in False False Text
zip_code Zipcode the household lives in False False Text
address Household address True False Text
city City the family lives in. Note that the city variable is collected via UpTogether, not InvestCloud. For families without a city set in UpTogether we use the service_location. False False Text
latitude Latitude True False Numeric
longitude Longitude True False Numeric
fips_block US Census block ID False False Numeric
fips_county FIPS county ID False False Numeric
fips_state FIPS state ID False False Numeric

Language spoken in the home

Primary and secondary languages spoken in the home
Name Description Private Transformed Type
language Primary language spoken in the home False False Text

Family Member

Individual identifiers

Individual identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_member_id Unique alphanumeric individual identifier False False Text
family_code Alphanumeric family identifier False False Text
first_name First name True False Text
middle_name Middle name True False Text
last_name Last name True False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric


Demographics like age, sex, race, and education level.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
birthday Date of birth False False Date
age Calculated age based on the individual's birthdate and the date the dataset was built False True Text
ethnicity Ethnicity the individual identifies as False False Categorical
gender Gender the individual identifies as False False Text
is_female Does the individual identify as female False True Boolean
education_level Highest level of education earned False False Categorical
school_name Name of the school the member attends True False Text
health_insurance Health insurance provider False False Categorical



Unique household identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code Unique alphanmeric family identifier False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric


Story details
Name Description Private Transformed Type
story_date Date the story was entered False False Date
story Story text False False Text
keywords Keyword tags for this story False False Text

Goal updates

Goal update

Goal update data
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Goal update ID False False Numeric
goal_id Goal ID this update is related to False False Numeric
content Goal update textual content False False Text
percent_complete Percent 0-100 indicating goal completion level at the time of the udpate. False False Numeric
is_complete Whether the goal is completed or not False False Boolean
created_at Date the goal update was created False False Date
updated_at Date the goal update was last updated False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text



Unique household and group identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code Unique alphanmeric family identifier False False Not yet documented
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Dates, time, and completion status

Goal date, times to complete, and completion status.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
journal_date Monthly journal date the goal corresponds to False False Date
started_at Date the goal was started False False Date
completed_at Date the goal was completed, null if not completed False False Date
is_complete Whether the goal was completed False False Boolean
days_to_complete Number of days it took to complete the goal False True Numeric


Goal content and categorization
Name Description Private Transformed Type
title Goal description True False Text
financial_goal Financial goal False True Boolean
health_goal Health goal False True Boolean
education_goal Education goal False True Boolean
family_goal Family goal False True Boolean



Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Health row number ID False False Numeric
family_member_id Unique family member ID False False Numeric
family_code Unique alphanmeric family identifier False False Not yet documented
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Doctor visit information

Information like date, payment method, etc. for a doctor visit
Name Description Private Transformed Type
journal_date Monthly journal date the goal corresponds to False False Date
facility_name Name of the facility the individual attended False False Text
visit_reason Reason for the visit False False Text
payment_method How the individual paid for the visit False False Categorical
care_score How the individual rates the care they recieved (1 to 5) False False Numeric
score_reason Explanation for the care_score given False False Text

Household Journal

Household identifiers

Unique household ID codes and names
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
partner_organization Name of the organization a household is affiliated with. Options include FII or any of FII's nonprofit partners. False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Date and time

Variables related to when journal entries were submitted and how long households have reported to FII
Name Description Private Transformed Type
journal_date Date the monthly journal was submitted. False False Date
month_in_fii Relative month in FII this journal was submitted in. For example, the first month a household reports in month one, etc. False True Numeric
months_in_between The number of months since the last journal entry. This metric is useful for when households skip journal dates. False True Numeric
join_date The date of the first journal entry for this household. False False Not yet documented
is_first_journal Documents if this entry is the first journal entry or not False True Boolean

Audit status

Household journals are audited on a quarterly basis. These variables indicate if and when audits occured for each journal entry.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
submission_state Submission state, one of audited, submitted, closed. False False Text
is_audited Indicates if an audit occured or not False True Boolean
audited_at Date of the journal audit False False Date
audited_by FII staff member ID of the auditor False False Date

Location and geography

Geographic and location identifiers.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
service_location Service location the household lives in. This is generally a city, althouh may not be the exact city a household lives in. For example, a household's service location might be a major city that describes an area, even though the family might live in a near by suburb. False False Text

Total income

Sum total across income sources
Name Description Private Transformed Type
total_income Sum of all monthly income except for EITC False True Numeric
total_income_per_capita Total income divided by household size False True Numeric
total_income_with_eitc Sum of all monthly income including EITC False True Numeric
percent_poverty Percent of poverty line calculated by extrapolating monthly income over a year and adjusted for household size. False True Numeric
percent_area_median_income Percent of the median area income the family lives in. False True Numeric
is_lmi Whether the household is low or moderate income using a threshold of 140% of the area median income. False True Boolean

Employment and business

Earned income through employment or business
Name Description Private Transformed Type
total_work_income Sum of employment, business, and other work income False True Numeric
total_work_income_per_capita Total work income divided by household size False True Numeric
employment_income Earned income through employment False False Numeric
employment_income_change Reason for change in employment income False False Text
employment_income_change_reason_other Other reason for change in employment income False False Text
employment_income_per_capita Employment income divided by household size False True Numeric
business_income Income from business False False Numeric
business_income_change_reason Reason for change in business income False False Text
business_income_per_capita Business income divided by household size False True Numeric
rental_income Amount earned through rental income False False Numeric
rental_income_amount_change_reason Reason for rental income change False False Numeric
other_work_income_change Reason for change in other work income False False Text
other_work_income_change_other Other reason for change in work income False False Text
other_work_income_per_capita Other work income divided by household size False True Numeric
other_work_income Other work income False False Numeric

Subsidies income

Means tested government subsidies like cash aid welfare and food subsidies
Name Description Private Transformed Type
has_subsidies Whether this household has subsidies False True Boolean
unemployment_income Unemployment income False False Numeric
unemployment_income_per_capita Unemployment income divided by the number of people in the household False True Numeric
tanf_income TANF income False False Numeric
tanf_income_per_capita TANF income percapita False True Numeric
unemployment_income_change_reason Reason for change in unemployment income False False Text
total_subsidies Sum of subsidies (TANF, Food Stamps, etc) False False Numeric
total_subsidies_plus_housing Total subsidies plus value of housing subsidy False False Numeric
food_stamp_income Food Stamp or SNAP income False False Numeric
food_stamp_income_change_reason Reason for change in SNAP/Food Stamp income False False Text
scholarship_cash Cash from an educational scholarship False True Numeric
scholarship_cash_change_reason Reason for change in cash from an educational scholarship False False Text

Entitlement income

Entitelment income such as SSI and retirement
Name Description Private Transformed Type
total_entitlement_income Sum of entitlement income False False Numeric
total_entitlement_income_per_capita Total entitlement income divided by household size False True Numeric
workers_comp_income Workers compensation income False False Numeric
has_entitlement_income Whether this individual has entitlement income False True Boolean
ssdi_income Disability income False False Numeric
ssdi_income_change_reason Reason for change in disability income False False Text
ssi_income SSI income False False Numeric
ssi_income_per_capita SSI income divided by number of people in the household False True Numeric
ssi_income_change_reason Reason for change in SSI income False False Text
retirement_income Retirement income False False Numeric
retirement_income_change_reason Reason for change in retirement income False False Text
child_support_income Child support income False False Numeric
child_support_income_change_reason Reason child support income changed False False Text
child_support_income_per_capita Child support income divided by household size False True Numeric
eitc_change_reason EITC Change reason False False Text
eitc Earned Income Tax Credit income False False Numeric
scholarship_cash Scholarship money for educational expenses False False Numeric

Assets and savings

Asset and savings balances at the time each monthly journal is submitted
Name Description Private Transformed Type
assets_balance Sum of all assets False True Numeric
assets_savings Total savings False False Numeric
assets_bank_account Asset bank account False False Numeric
assets_cash_on_hand Cash on hand False False Numeric
assets_personal_loan Loan this household has provided to someone else False False Numeric
assets_ria Retirement account False False Numeric
assets_checking Checking balance False False Numeric
lending_circle Have you participated in any pooling of money? Ex. Lending circles, savings clubs, friendly loan funds? False False Boolean
assets_other Other assets False False Numeric

Debts and liabilities

Debts and liabilities as of the monthly journal entry
Name Description Private Transformed Type
liabilities_balance Sum of all liabilities False True Numeric
liabilities_comment Comment about liabilities False False Text
liability_auto_loan Auto loan False False Numeric
liability_bank_loan Bank loan (not mortgage) False False Numeric
liability_business_loan Business loan False False Numeric
liability_child_support Child support liability False False Numeric
liability_court_fees Court fee liabilities False False Numeric
liability_credit_card Credit card liability False False Numeric
liability_fii_loan FII issued loan False False Numeric
liability_lending_circle Lending circle liability False False Numeric
liability_mortgage Mortgage liability False False Numeric
liability_other Other loan False False Numeric
liability_student_loan Student loan liability False False Numeric
liability_taxes Taxes owed False False Numeric
liability_tickets Liability for outstanding ticket False False Numeric

Housing costs and assessments

Housing costs, ownership status, and neighborhood assessment
Name Description Private Transformed Type
is_home_owner Boolean indicating if this family owns its home False True Boolean
housing_type Type of housing the household lives in False False Categorical
housing_subsidized_amount Amount of the subsidy False False Numeric
housing_happiness_score Happiness with housing False False Numeric
housing_happiness_reason Reason for housing happiness rating False False Text
housing_happiness_improve Reason housing happiness improved False False Text
housing_happiness_improve_steps Steps taken to improve housing happiness False False Text
housing_happiness_improve_other Other reason for improvement in housing happiness False False Text
housing_comment Comment about housing False False Text
housing_score Housing rating False False Numeric
housing_score_reason Reason for rating housing this way False False Text
neighborhood_score Neighborhood score False False Numeric
neighborhood_score_reason Reason for rating the neighborhood this way False False Text

Health and medical care

Doctor visits, doctor visit ratins, and health descriptions.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
doctor_visit Did the household visit the doctor False False Boolean
hospital_name Name of hospital visited False False Text
doctor_visit_other Other doctor visit False False Text
doctor_payment Did the household pay for the doctor visit False False Categorical
doctor_visit_happiness Happiness with the doctor visit False False Numeric
doctor_visit_happiness_reason Reason for the doctor visit happiness False False Text
community_health_ideas Idea for community health False False Text
health_comment Comment about health False False Text
doctor_visit_happiness_average Average of doctor visit happiness ratings across household memebers for the month False False Numeric
doctor_visit_date Date of the doctor visit False False Date
doctor_visit_number Number of people who visited the doctor this month (?) False False Numeric
doctor_visit_reason Reason for the doctor visit False False Text



Goal update data
Name Description Private Transformed Type
user_id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
start_date Income start date for this individual False False Date
end_date Income end date for this user. False False Date
family_member_id Family member ID this income entry pertains to False False Numeric
amount Income amount False False Numeric
reason_for_change Reason for the change in this income entry for this individual False False Text
code Income type, like employment_income or business_income False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Initiative Score Category Scores


User, build, and model identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code Unique alphanmeric family identifier this score is calculated for False False Text
uptogether_user_id UpTogether user ID this score is calculated for False False Numeric
id Unique identifier for this entry False False Numeric
model_version Initiative Score model version number False False Numeric
build_id UUID for build False False Text


The Initiative Score scaled 300-850
Name Description Private Transformed Type
category Category the score is for, currently one of financials, health, youth and family, and community. False False Categorical
score Effective Initiative Score between 300-850 False False Numeric
score_calculated_for_build Initiative Score calculated for the build. Effect scores (score) can be different as families' effective scores are the max over a window, currently 90 days. False False Numeric
as_of_date Most recent date we have journal data for this user. It's not uncommon for user data to be a month or so behind the date the score was calculated. False False Date
month_in_fii User's month in FII at time the score was calculated False False Numeric
score_age_in_days Difference in days between date the score was calculated and the as_of_date. False False Numeric
created_at Date the score was calculated False False Date

UpTogether Fund

Eligibility and amounts earned for the UpTogether Fund. For amounts earned see documentation for total Initiative Scores.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
is_eligible Whether the user is eligible for the UpTogether Fund False False Boolean
eligibility_status Eligibility status, if a user is ineligible (is_eligible), see this field for a reason why. False False Categorical

Initiative Score Total Scores


User, build, and model identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code Unique alphanmeric family identifier this score is calculated for False False Text
uptogether_user_id UpTogether user ID this score is calculated for False False Numeric
id Unique identifier for this entry False False Numeric
model_version Initiative Score model version number False False Numeric
build_id UUID for build False False Text


The Initiative Score scaled 300-850
Name Description Private Transformed Type
score Effective Initiative Score between 300-850 False False Numeric
score_calculated_for_build Initiative Score calculated for the build. Effect scores (score) can be different as families' effective scores are the max over a window, currently 90 days. False False Numeric
as_of_date Most recent date we have journal data for this user. It's not uncommon for user data to be a month or so behind the date the score was calculated. False False Date
month_in_fii User's month in FII at time the score was calculated False False Numeric
score_age_in_days Difference in days between date the score was calculated and the as_of_date. False False Numeric
created_at Date the score was calculated False False Date

UpTogether Fund

Eligibility and amounts earned for the UpTogether Fund.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
amount_earned Dollars earned based on the Initiative Score (score) False False Numeric
amount_possible Total dollars the user could have earned with a score of 850. False False Numeric
is_eligible Whether the user is eligible for the UpTogether Fund False False Boolean
eligibility_status Eligibility status, if a user is ineligible (is_eligible), see this field for a reason why. False False Categorical



Name Description Private Transformed Type
code Liability type code False False Text
user_id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
start_date First date the value applies for this member. False False Date
end_date Last date this value applies for. False False Date
amount Liability amount False False Numeric
company Company the liability is with False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Program Membership


Unique identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_member_id Unique family member ID False False Numeric
id Unique identifier for this program to family member pairing False False Numeric
family_code Unique alphanmeric family identifier False False Not yet documented
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Organization and program information

Descriptive information abou the organization and program recorded by the family member
Name Description Private Transformed Type
organization_name Name of the organization False False Text
organization_code String categorization for this organization False False Text
program_type Program type False False Categorical
program_name Program name False False Text

Dates and Completion

Start date, end date, and program completion status.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
start_date Program start date. False False Date
end_date Program end date. If null the program is ongoing. False False Date
is_complete Boolean indicating if the program has been completed or not. Completion means the family member is no longer engaged in the program, it does not necessarily imply program completion, such as graudation, per se. False False Boolean

Program rating and performance

Family member's rating of the program and their performance in the program
Name Description Private Transformed Type
program_rating Rating for this program False False Categorical
program_rating_reason Reason for the program rating False False Text
participant_performance_coded Family member performance rating on a scale of 1-4, with 1 being poor and 4 being excellent False False Numeric
participant_performance_reason Explanation for why performance improved, stayed the same, or got worse False False Text
participant_attendance_coded Family member attendance rating on a scale of 1-4, with 1 being poor and 4 being excellent False False Numeric
participant_attendance_reason Explanation for why attendance improved, stayed the same, or got worse False False Text

Payment information

Information about whether and how much the family member paid for the program
Name Description Private Transformed Type
program_willing_to_pay Would the user be willing to pay for this program False False Boolean
book_amount_paid Amount paid False False Numeric

Resource Hub

Household identifiers and location

Household identifiers and location
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_code Unique alphanumeric household identifier False False Text
service_location City the household lives in False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric


Resource type, draw, usage, and amount
Name Description Private Transformed Type
resource_type Type of resource accessed False False Categorical
subtype Textual description of how the famliy used the resource False False Text
use Categorization of how the family used the resource based on subtype False True Categorical
account_name Name on this account, likely the last name of the household True False Text
distribution_date Date the resource was distributed to the household False False Date
amount Dollar value of the resource that was distributed False False Numeric

Social Capital


Unique household and and social capital instance identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Unique ID for the specific social capital exchange True False Numeric
family_id Unique household identifier False False Numeric
family_code Alphanumeric household identifier False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Social capital exchange

Details about the social capital exchange
Name Description Private Transformed Type
journal_date Date of the social capital exchange False False Date
leadership_provided_flag Whether the social capital was given (True) or recieved (False) False False Boolean
activity_description Textual description of the exchange False False Text
book_estimated_value Estimated monetary value of the exchange False False Numeric

UpTogether Chat Messages

Chat Messages

Chat Messages
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Chat Message ID False False Numeric
user_id User ID posting the message False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
content Message content True False Text
created_at Date and time the message was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the message was updated False False Date

UpTogether Chats


Chat properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Chat message ID False False Numeric
user_1_id UpTogether user ID that sent the message False False Numeric
user_2_id UpTogether user ID that received the message False False Numeric
uuid Unique universal identifer for this message False False Text
created_at Date and time the chat was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the chat was updated False False Date
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text

UpTogether Connections


Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Connection ID False False Numeric
user_id User ID initiating connecting on UpTogether False False Numeric
contact_id User ID of the user the request was sent to False False Numeric
status Status of the connection, one of "ACCEPTED", "REQUESTED", or "PENDING" False False Text
created_at Date and time the connection was created False False Date
accepted_at Date and time the connection request was accepted False False Date
updated_at Date and time the connection was updated False False Date
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text

UpTogether Discussion Replies


Post properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Discussion Reply ID False False Numeric
discussion_id Discussion ID False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID making the discussion reply False False Numeric
content Discussion reply content True False Text
created_at Date and time the discussion reply was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the discussion reply was updated False False Date
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text

UpTogether Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Discussion ID False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
title Discussion title True False Text
slug URL slug True False Text
content Discussion content True False Text
last_activity_at Last activity date on this discussion False False Date
likes_count Number of likes on the discussion False False Numeric
created_at Date and time the discussion was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the discussion was updated False False Date
discussion_replies_count Number of replies on this discussion False False Numeric
post_id Post ID False False Numeric
discussion_category_id Discussion category ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text

UpTogether Events


User created event like a running club, support group, etc.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Event ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
time Date and time of the event False False Date
user_id UpTogether user ID of the user that created the event False False Numeric
title Event title False False Text
description Event description False False Text
number_of_rsvps Number of people who have RSVP'd for the event. False True Numeric
created_at Date and time the event was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the event was updated False False Date


Images attached to the event
Name Description Private Transformed Type
image_file_name File name of the image associated with this event False False Text
image_content_type Image content type False False Text
image_file_size Image file size False False Numeric

UpTogether Expert Categories

Experts Categories

Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Expert category ID False False Numeric
title Expert category title False False Text
created_at Date and time of the category was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time of the category was updated False False Date

UpTogether Experts


Name Description Private Transformed Type
user_id User ID for the user that has this expertise. False False Numeric
expert_category_id Expert Category ID for this expertise. False False Numeric
title Textual title of the user's expertise. False False Text
content Textual description of the user's expertise. False False Text
active Whether the expertise is active or not False False Boolean
created_at Date and time of the expertise was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time of the expertise was updated False False Date
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text

UpTogether Families


Family identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id UpTogether family ID (not the same as the InvestCloud ID). False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID tied to this family, this user is head of household. False False Numeric
family_code Universal alphanumeric family identifier. False False Text
last_name Family last name True False Text
is_active Whether the family is active. False False Boolean
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

UpTogether Family Members


Family member and family identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id UpTogether family member ID (not the same as the InvestCloud family member ID) False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID that liked the object False False Numeric
family_id UpTogether family ID False False Numeric
ic_family_member_id InvestCloud family member ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text


Demographic data
Name Description Private Transformed Type
first_name First name True False Text
last_name Last name True False Text
relationship Relationship of family member in the household, some options include "HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD", "SON", "DAUGHTER", and "SPOUSE". False False Text
dob Date of birth True False Date
ethnicity Ethnicity False False Categorical
gender Gender False False Categorical

UpTogether Fund Requests

Fund Requests

User requesting funds, amount, and reason.
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id UpTogether Fund Request ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
user_id UpTogether user ID requesting funds. False False Numeric
amount Amount requested by the user False False Numeric
fulfillment_amount Amount paid to the user False False Numeric
state Fund request state, one of: "submitted", "approved", or "denied" False False Categorical
approved_at Date and time the payment was approved False False Date
denied_at Date and time the payment was denied False False Date
fund_usage User provided description of how the funds will be used False False Text
created_at Date and time of the payment was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time of the payment was updated False False Date
organization_access_id ID of the organization this user is associated with False False Numeric
score Effective Initiative Score between 300-850 at the time of request False False Numeric

UpTogether Group Membership

Group membership

Name Description Private Transformed Type
user_id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
group_id UpTogether group ID False False Numeric
moderator UpTogether user ID of the moderator for this group False False Numeric
created_at Date and time the group membership replationship was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the group membership replationship was created False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

UpTogether Groups


Group properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Group ID False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID that greated the group False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
name Group name False False Text
description Group description False False Text
memberships_count Number of members in this group False False Numeric
group_posts_count Number of posts in this group False False Not yet documented
created_at Date and time the group was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the group was updated False False Date
last_message_at Date of last post in the group False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric


Group image
Name Description Private Transformed Type
image_file_name Image file name False False Not yet documented
image_content_type Image content type False False Not yet documented
image_file_size Image file size False False Not yet documented
image_updated_at Date and time the image was updated False False Date

UpTogether Likes


User like properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Like ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
likeable_type Type of object the user liked, such as a post False False Not yet documented
likeable_id ID of the object the user liked False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID that liked the object False False Numeric
created_at Date and time the like was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the like was updated False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

UpTogether Mailboxer Notifications


Notification properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Message ID False False Numeric
type Message type False False Categorical
sender_id ID of the user sending the message False False Numeric
body Message body True False Text
sender_type Sender type False False Categorical
conversation_id Conversation ID False False Numeric
draft Whether the notification is a draft or not False False Boolean
notification_code Notification Code False False Categorical
notified_object_type Notification object type False False Categorical
notified_object_id Notification object ID False False Numeric
global Whether this is a global notification False False Boolean
created_at Date and time the notification was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the notification was updated False False Date
expires Date and time the notification expires False False Date
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text

UpTogether Payment Line Items

Payment Line Items

Payment Line Items
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Payment line item ID False False Numeric
payment_id Payment ID False False Numeric
item_type Item type the payment is for False False Categorical
date Payment line item date False False Date
description Payment line item description False False Text
amount Payment line item amount in dollars False False Date
updated_at Date and time of the payment line item was updated False False Date
created_at Date and time of the payment line item was created_at False False Date
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text

UpTogether Payments


Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Payment ID False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID for the user receiving the payment False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
administrator_id Identifier for the administrator administering the payment False False Numeric
state Payment state (paid, denied, etc.) False False Categorical
amount Payment amount in dollars False False Numeric
created_at Date and time of the payment was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time of the payment was updated False False Date
submitted_at Date and time of the payment was submitted False False Date
approved_at Date and time of the payment was approvated False False Date
denied_at Date and time of the payment was denied False False Date
bill_id transaction identifier True False Text
type Payment type, such as for an audit, survey, etc. False False Categorical
payable_type Payable type False False Categorical
payable_id Payable ID False False Numeric

UpTogether Post Replies

Post reply

Post reply properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Post reply ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
post_id ID of the post the user is replying to False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID of the user responding to the post False False Numeric
message Post reply message False False Text
created_at Date and time the post reply was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the post reply was updated False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

UpTogether Posts


Post properties
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Post ID False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID that posted the message, different than the InvestCloud member ID False False Not yet documented
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
group_id UpTogether Group ID the post was posted in, if applicable False False Not yet documented
message Post message False False Text
likes_count Number of likes on this post False False Numeric
replies_count Number of replies on this post False False Not yet documented
created_at Date and time the post was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the post was updated False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric


Image properties, if an image was included with this post
Name Description Private Transformed Type
image_file_name Image file name False False Not yet documented
image_content_type Image content type False False Not yet documented
image_file_size Image file size False False Not yet documented
image_updated_at Date and time the image was updated False False Date

UpTogether Event RSVPs


RSVP ID, user, and time
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id RSVP ID False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
created_at Date and time the RSVP was created False False Date
updated_at Date and time the RSVP was updated False False Date
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text


Event data copied from the events table for convenience
Name Description Private Transformed Type
event_id UpTogether Event ID False False Numeric
title Event title False False Text
description Event description False False Text

UpTogether Site Metrics


Name Description Private Transformed Type
visit_id Visit ID this event is matched to from the visits table. False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
name Event name, such as a 'view', or a 'click'. False False Text
properties JSON dictionary containing event properties False False JSON
time Date and time of the event False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

UpTogether Users

user profile

User profile information
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id UpTogether user ID False False Numeric
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
sign_in_count Number of times this user has signed in to UpTogether False False Numeric
current_sign_in_at Date of the current sign in False False Date
last_sign_in_at Date of the last sign in. False False Date
active Whether the user account is active or disabled. False False Boolean
posts_count Count of the total number of posts this user has posted False False Numeric
organization_id Organization, likely a nonprofit, this user was enrolled into UpTogether with. False False Numeric
fii_status User's status in FII False False Text
first_name User's first name True False Text
last_name User's last name True False Text
primary_activity User's day-to-day primary activity False False Text
referral_source Referral source False False Text
uptogether_status User's status in UpTogether False False Text
user_account_type User's account type False False Boolean
deleted_at Date user deleted False False Date
profile_updated_at Date the user's profile was updated False False Date
profile_created_at Date the user's profile was created False False Date
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Profile information

User supplied profile information like demographics
Name Description Private Transformed Type
about_me User provided profile description. False False Text
ethnicity User's ethnicity False False Not yet documented
gender User's gender False False Categorical
health_insurance User's heatlh insurance status False False Categorical
health_insurance_name User's health insurance provider False False Text
highest_level_of_education Highest level of education this user has obtained False False Categorical
home_phone_number This user's home phone number True False Text
language User's primary language False False Text
dob Date of birth False False Date
eligible_to_vote Whether the user is eligable to vote or not. False False Boolean
type_of_job Type of job this user does False False Categorical

Contact information

User contact information
Name Description Private Transformed Type
email User email address True False Text
mobile_phone_number User's mobile phone number True False Text

UpTogether Visits


Visitor identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
id Visit ID False False Numeric
user_id UpTogether user ID, can be null if the user is not logged in or registered. False False Text
family_code FII assigned household indicator False False Text
ip IP address for the visitor True False Numeric
referrer URL the user was referred to UpTogether from. False False Text
landing_page URL the visitor arrived on False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric
started_at Date the visit started at False False Date

Browser and device

Browser and device the vistor used
Name Description Private Transformed Type
browser Browser the visitor used False False Text
os Operating system False False Text
device_type Device type False False Text
screen_height Screen device height in pixels False False Numeric
screen_width Screen device height in pixels False False Numeric

Geographic location

Geographic location of the visit
Name Description Private Transformed Type
country Country the visitor visited from False False Text
region Region (such as a US state) the visitor visited from False False Text
city City the visitor visited from False False Text
postal_code Postal code the visitor visited from False False Numeric
latitude Latitude the visitor visited from True False Numeric
longitude Longitude the visitor visited from True False Numeric



Unique household and individual identifiers
Name Description Private Transformed Type
family_name Household name (generally last name) True False Text
family_id Unique household identifier False False Numeric
family_code Alphanumeric household identifier False False Text
organization_access_id Unique numeric identifer of which organization has access to a particular row in a dataset False False Numeric

Voter information

Eligibility, registration, and activity
Name Description Private Transformed Type
be_updttime Date the voter information was recorded False False Date
eligible_to_vote Whether the individual is eligable to vote or not False False Categorical
registered_to_vote Whether the individual is registered to vote or not False False Categorical
voted Whether the individual is voted in the most recent election False False Categorical